Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Injury Scout - Emmel Out in SF on Pair of Hits

Paul Emmel left his game in San Francisco after being struck by a pair of pitches behind home plate.

During Tuesday's Pirates-Giants game, Kevin Pillar fouled a 96-mph fastball from Pittsburgh pitcher Mitch Keller into Emmel's traditional-style facemask in the 1st inning, before another Keller pitch, to Giants batter Stephen Vogt in the 3rd inning, struck Emmel on the right wrist after a slight deflection by Pirates catcher Jacob Stallings' mitt.

2B Umpire Mike Estabrook replaced Emmel behind home plate with 1B Umpire Ryan Blakney and 3B Umpire Chad Fairchild remaining on the bases. Fairchild assumed acting crew chief duties.

Relevant Injury History: Emmel has a history of head trauma.
On February 28, 2017, Emmel was struck by a bat during Spring Training and left as a precaution.
Related PostSpring Injury - Paul Emmel Clipped by Flying Bat (2/28/17).

On June 23, 2016, Emmel received stitches after being struck in the head by a bat.
Related PostInjury - Paul Emmel Cut Badly by Flying Bat in Anaheim (6/23/16).

Last Game: September 10 | Return to Play: TBD | Time Absent: TBD | Video as follows:

Alternate Link: Emmel is removed from service at Oracle Park following hits (SF)