Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Injury Scout - Vanover Hit on Arm in LA

Larry Vanover exited his Labor Day assignment at Dodger Stadium after a foul ball to his right arm.

With none out and one on in the fifth inning of Monday's Rockies-Dodgers game, Dodgers batter Enrique Hernandez fouled a 2-1 95-mph sinker from Rockies pitcher James Pazos into Vanover's right forearm, producing a visible laceration. Vanover already wears a padded sleeve over his left arm.

2B Umpire Manny Gonzalez replaced Vanover behind home plate for the rest of the game, as 1B Umpire Dan Bellino and 3B Umpire David Rackley managed the field.

Vanover officiated his 3,000th MLB game in May 2019.
Related PostLarry Vanover Officiates 3,000th MLB Game (5/24/19).

Relevant Injury History: Vanover has left a game before due to a head injury, but not a foul ball to the arm situation.

Last Game: September 2 | Return to Play: Sept 3 | Time Absent: Rest of Game | Video as follows:

Alternate Link: Vanover exits Colorado-LA after foul ball draws blood (LAD)