This is Chris Guccione (68)'s second ejection of 2019.
Chris Guccione now has -4 points in the UEFL Standings (-2 Prev + 2 MLB - 4 Incorrect Call = -4).
Crew Chief Mike Everitt now has 4 points in Crew Division (4 Previous + 0 Incorrect Call = 4).
*The 1-0 pitch was located
Overnight processing changed Bregman's sz_bot value from 1.55 to 1.54 (-0.12 inches).
This is the 204th ejection report of 2019.
This is Kansas City's 11th ejection of 2019, T-1st in the AL Central (CWS, DET, KC 11; MIN 4; CLE 1).
This is Dale Sveum's 2nd ejection of 2019, 1st since April 17 (Joe West; QOC = U [Fighting]).
This is Chris Guccione's 2nd ejection of 2019, 1st since June 22 (Gabe Kapler; QOC = N-c [Check Swing]).
Wrap: Houston Astros vs. Kansas City Royals, 9/14/19 | Video as follows:
Alternate Link: Chris kicks coach cause of comment concerning conjured cube (KC)
Umpire Quote, Gooch: "Let me remind you, I don't have that box you go look at."